The team consists of researchers from Peru and the UK that belong to this organizations

Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA):
Jesuit inspired agency, has been supporting rural farmers (campesinos) _in the Piura region since the agrarian reforms of the 1970s. Its regional archive of newspapers and grey literature is unrivalled in Peru.

Fundación para el Desarrollo Agrario (FDA):
Rural development arm of the National Agrarian University based in Lima, has a long track record of working on northern in fisheries through CoI Jaime Mendo.

Newcastle University:
Has been investigating the Sechura region lakes since 2014, undertaking
modern limnological surveys as well as recovering sediment cores from Laguna Ñampique Grande with initial funding from the Royal Society, and then NERC, to capture sediments deposited from the 2017 El Niño Costero

Peruvian NGO that has a well-established program of work in the Sechura area with its successful ‘Educando Hoy para el futuro’ programme having being extended from primary schools to all secondary schools in the province for a further 3 years with funding from Fondo Social del Proyecto Integral Bayóvar (FOSPIBAY).

St Andrews University:
St Andrews University has been doing research in the Sechura region through the PI Nina Laurie since 2014 doing human geography in the region and thanks to the funding of different projects.

Universidad de Piura (UDEP):
The Universidad De Piura is a prominent institution in Peru that has been working with the St Andrews research team since previous projects through CoI Rodolfo Rodriguez

Local Education Management Unit, Sechura (UGEL):
The UGEL Sechura is a government institution in charge of guaranteeing the quality of the educational service in Sechura. This project partner gives technical support to the educational part of the project.

United Oceans:
Fishing and fish processing enterprise that has a strong presence in the Sechura area

Richard Bates
Academic supervisor in charge of the heritage and coastal communities development projectSt Andrews University

Karen Brown
Co-Investigator in charge of the El Niño as a vehicle for sustainable development through museumsSt Andrews University

Maria del Rosario Carmen Palacios
Co-Investigator and coordinator of the digital history and curriculum.PRISMA NGO

Althea Davies
Co-Investigator in charge of Making museums productive spaces for climate adaptationSt Andrews University

Grace Healy
Project collaborator in charge of advising for the development of curricular resources focused on El Niño and climate changeRoyal Geographical Society

Andrew Henderson
Co-Investigator in charge of lake sediment analysisNewcastle University

Nina Laurie
Project’s Principal InvestigatorSt Andrews University

Jaime Mendo
Co-Investigator in charge of fisheriesFundación para el Desarrollo Agrario

Tania Mendo
Post Doc researcher and lecturer in charge of fisheriesSt Andrews University

Rodolfo Rodriguez
Co-Investigator in charge of ClimatologyPiura University

Amanda Valdez
Co-Investigator in charge of digital history and curriculumPRISMA NGO
Rosa Prieto | Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA) |
Evelyn Inguil Ivan Gomez | Fundación para el Desarrollo Agrario |
Oliver Calle Garcia | PRISMA |
Cristina Vargas Pacheco Nohelia Palacios Isabella Zapata Pavel Elias Alexa Correa Hilary Mendoza Maria Victoria Calderón | Universidad De Piura |
Marlon Eche | United Oceans |
Dan Clayton Iona Bell Torrey Sanseverino | St Andrews University |
Advisory Board
- Andrew Russell (Newcastle University)
- Richard Bates (St Andrews University)
- Karen Brown (St Andrews University)
- Luz Maria Helguero